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Key learnings from an insightful Skillshare session delivered by our community member Sophia on how to work less. A true testament to working smarter and living a better life: our motto!


Step 1: Track Your Time

To work less you need to know how much time you are actually working. This does not include scrolling on your phone, taking coffee breaks, etc. Commit to tracking your time for two full weeks.

Step 2: Analyze Your Time

Analyze your time by asking the following questions:

– Where is the majority of my time being spent?
– Am I spending my time where I have the most impact?
– How much of my time is spent doing things I enjoy?

Skillshare at Sun & Co´s home

Step 3: Eliminate

The easiest way to work less is to stop doing as much:

– Ask yourself: is this task or project even worth doing? Does it deliver results worth my efforts?
– Do an anti – pilot: stop doing something and see if anyone notices.
– Say no to things that don’t make sense.

Step 4: Automate and Delegate

Automate tasks that are repetitive and frequent.

Delegate tasks that are time-consuming and could be done by others.

Step 5: Systemize

– Systemize tasks that can be automated.
– Document all systems in a searchable Google doc.
– Recommended tools:

  • Google docs
  • Loom for recording tutorials
  • Asana for setting up recurring tasks
  • Zapier for task automation

Step 6: Optimize Your Day

Before you start work, give priority levels to every task, every day.

If you know your tasks in advance, brain dump all of them on Monday, prioritize each task by important + urgent, important, and non urgent, and plan accordingly.


Sophia focused in our CoWorking space


To Keep In Mind

Busyness ≠ Productivity

Working more ≠ Better Work

The Pareto Principle says: 20% of our actions drive 80% of results

Sophia Elise is a Growth Coach for Service Providers. Follow her on Instagram for more inspiration and useful tips: @dreamlancing